



Recursos Escuela de Verano 2024 Retos de la IA HUB ( [Web]

En este apartado encontrarás las presentaciones y materiales que formaron parte del itinerario de Retos de la IA de la Escuela de Verano AIHUB 2024. Las presentaciones están ordenadas cronológicamente, y podrás acceder a ellas a través de la imagen de cada una.

OECD Artificial Intelligence Papers [Web]

The OECD engages in comprehensive research and analysis to deepen insights into the transformative power of artificial intelligence (AI) and its implications for economies and societies. The OECD Artificial Intelligence Papers series draws on comprehensive evidence-base to identify trends and developments and delve into an extensive array of AI-related subjects. This includes opportunities and challenges in AI governance, the impact of AI across policy domains including labour markets, education and healthcare, ethical considerations in AI design and deployment, and new frontiers such as generative AI. This collection encompasses OECD policy papers as well as working papers.